6 Fun Facts About Curls!
Gossip Curls Blog

6 Fun Facts About Curls!

Ever wonder what makes your Curls so unique? We compiled a list of the coolest curl facts to help you learn more!

1. Quality Over Quantity 

A non-curly head of hair is made up of 120,000 hairs. Curly hair? Only about 100,000.

2. Why Weekly Wash Days Are Perfectly Fine

Curlies don’t need to shampoo as often since there aren’t as many hair follicles AND less sebaceous glands - so hair stays cleaner and fresher for longer.  Hello weekly wash days!

3. One Head, MANY Textures

Even though you may have one curl dominantly throughout your head, doesn't mean it's the only texture! Most curlies have several curl types throughout their head. Gorgeous!

4. Shrinkage for ALL Curls!

Wavy hair can shrink up to 5 percent, curly hair can shrink up to 30 percent, and coily hair can shrink up to 75 percent of true length.  That's Amazing!

5. Growing Gorgeous Curls

Curly hair grows approximately six inches a year. We wish it was double too. 

6. Curls Worldwide

60% of the world's population has curly hair! It's no wonder why Curlies around the world have embraced their curls like never before!